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Company visit

On Tuesday 19 September - after the closure of the CINet Conference - we plan to organise a company visit to voestalpine. The voestalpine steel works at the Linz location is one of the cleanest and most innovative in the world. Many steelmakers make this claim about their production facilities, but only few of them let others look beyond the perimeter fences. voestalpine goes one step further: after visiting the exhibition in the voestalpine Stahlwelt, you will be permitted to take a tour of some production lines, including a blast furnace and the production facilities of Automotive Components. This will allow you to experience the entire production process from ore to the car door.

Safety first

The works tour is subject to special visitor regulations that are intended to keep you safe. Compliance is mandatory. Please make sure that you comply with the following rules:

  • It is absolutely necessary that you wear sturdy shoes (no sandals, flipflops, Crocs etc.) during the works tour.
  • We also recommend that you wear dirt-resistant clothing.
  • You must be physically fit to participate in the works tour. You will be climbing several flights of stairs with up to 90 steps. You must also be able to see and hear optical and acoustic warning signals.


If you wish to participate in the company visit, please indicate this on the registration form.

PhD Workshop

PhD students attending the conference can attend the 23rd CINet PhD Workshop for free.

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Young Academics Workshop

CIYA will organize their 14th young academics workshop on the Sunday afternoon preceding the conference.

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